Hace unas horas en Valdelobos
Este trabajo versa sobre la mujer del siglo XXI en el entorno rural. Es también un homenaje a todas las mujeres que no conocieron las bondades de la tecnología para difundir nuestra obra, para conectarnos y conocernos. A todas ellas que quedaron aisladas. A las que no quisieron ser princesas y a las que por desgracia les rompieron el plato en las narices. A las Vírgenes de la Conciliación Familiar y las Mártires de Nuestra Conciliación, pero NUNCA,NUNCA, a las Caperucitas, mujeres con hilos invisibles, destructoras, educadoras en su mundo ideal de imagen de cereal americano,maltratadoras de la filosofía de aquellas que murieron quemadas en nuestro nombre,...
Esto es ciencia ficción, cualquier parecido con la realidad es mera coincidencia, ¡JA,JA!.
This paper deals XXI century women in rural areas. It is also a tribute to all women who do not know the benefits of technology to disseminate our work to connect and meet. To all of which were isolated. To those who did not want to be princesses and unfortunately I broke the plate in his face. At Virgin of Family Conciliation and Reconciliation Our Martyrs, but never, never, to Riding Hoods, women with invisible strings, destructive, educators in their ideal world cereal image American philosophy of maltreating those were burned in our name, ...
This is science fiction, any resemblance to reality is purely coincidental, ¡JA,JA!
The Riding Hoods drink coffee in the Valley of the Wolves
El café de las Caperucitas
De la serie Performance “Transit”
Comisario: Don Ricardo Díaz
Fechas: 9 de marzo - 16:30H
Lugar: Caseta de Gorrucho- Vladelobos.
Field Architecture s/n 31300 – Valdelobos- Tafalla (Navarra)
Asun Requena nos plantea en esta obra eslabón entre la producida en julio “Land in Transit” una mirada nueva de identidad cómo mujer. Como en la anterior performance juega con el anonimato para intensificar la identificación del espectador cómo propia, y repite recursos metafóricos cómo la máquina de coser, el guiño a las Hilanderas de Velázquez,etc
Este dirección corresponde al proyecto que Asun presentó desde Alemania. Aquí podéis encontrar la performance en videoarte:
http:/www./asunrequenatransito.blogspot.com.es/2012/08/performancewhen-agnes-found-asun.html. Entrada del 06/08/2011
En este caso nos transporta hasta el mundo de los cuentos para interpretarnos la miserias humanas, las dificultades de la mujer del siglo XXI y la identificación de nuestro enemigo íntimo que a veces somos nosotros mismos.
La Historia comienza con un grupo de Caperucitas donde yo soy tú y tú puedes ser yo, mujeres reunidas entorno a un ritual, el café. Todas llevan sus caperuzas que mantienen por herencia, todas mantienen su identidad. Son las que dirigen este mundo con sus hilos invisibles.
En Valdelobos, en el Valle de los Lobos, si las Caperucitas toman café, los lobos desaparecen, y si hay luna llena, las Caperucitas no salen.
Asun Requena poses in this book link between produced in July "Land in Transit" fresh eyes of female identity. As in the previous performance with anonymity plays to enhance the spectator how own identification, and repeated metaphorical resources how the sewing machine, the Spinners nod to Velasquez, etc.
This address corresponds to the project presented Asun Germany. Here you can find the performance in video art:
http:/www./asunrequenatransito.blogspot.com.es/2012/08/performancewhen-agnes-found-asun.html. Entry from 06/08/2011
In this case takes us to the world of stories to interpret for the human misery, the difficulties of the XXI century woman and identification of intimate enemy is ourselves sometimes.
The story begins with a group of Riding Hoods where I am you and you can be me, women gathered around a ritual, coffee. All caps are maintaining their inheritance, all maintain their identity. Those that run this world with invisible strings.
In Valdelobos, in the Valley of the Wolves, if they drink coffee Riding Hoods, wolves disappear, and if the moon is full, do not leave the Riding Hoods.
Asun Requena poses in this book link between produced in July "Land in Transit" fresh eyes of female identity. As in the previous performance with anonymity plays to enhance the spectator how own identification, and repeated metaphorical resources how the sewing machine, the Spinners nod to Velasquez, etc.
This address corresponds to the project presented Asun Germany. Here you can find the performance in video art:
http:/www./asunrequenatransito.blogspot.com.es/2012/08/performancewhen-agnes-found-asun.html. Entry from 06/08/2011
In this case takes us to the world of stories to interpret for the human misery, the difficulties of the XXI century woman and identification of intimate enemy is ourselves sometimes.
The story begins with a group of Riding Hoods where I am you and you can be me, women gathered around a ritual, coffee. All caps are maintaining their inheritance, all maintain their identity. Those that run this world with invisible strings.
In Valdelobos, in the Valley of the Wolves, if they drink coffee Riding Hoods, wolves disappear, and if the moon is full, do not leave the Riding Hoods.
La Convocatoria de las Caperucitas
The Call of the Riding Hoods
The Call of the Riding Hoods
Buena tarde:
Os convoco el 9 de marzo a las cuatro y media de la tarde en el lugar de siempre, en el Barranco de de Valdelobos.
No olvidéis vuestras cestas.
La que mueve los hilos.Good afternoon:
I convened on March 9 at half past four in the afternoon at the usual place, in the ravine of Valdelobos.
Do not forget your baskets.
The mover and shaker.
El sol nos acariciaba. Las nubes amenazando al fondo, en el infinito horizonte.
Desde "la Caseta de Gorrucho" una clase de geografía en tres dimensiones con el Moncayo en tercer plano.
The sun caressed. The threatening clouds in the background, in the infinite horizon.
From "The Booth Gorrucho" a geography class in three dimensions with Moncayo in third place.
The sun caressed. The threatening clouds in the background, in the infinite horizon.
From "The Booth Gorrucho" a geography class in three dimensions with Moncayo in third place.
La Ascensión
The Ascension
The Ascension
Cajas y bolsas se apilan. El camino asciende y las invitadas van llegando a pie. Colocan sus capas sobre sus hombros y ocupan su lugar. El festín comienza. Las risas suenan, y sin esfuerzo, "el acto artístico" fluye entre lo dulce y lo amargo, entre el pastel y el café, entre la fantasía y la realidad.
Boxes and bags are stacked. The road goes up and the guests are arriving on foot. Placed their cloaks on their shoulders and take their place. The feast begins. The laughter sounded, and effortless, "the artistic act" flows between sweet and sour, between the cake and coffee, between fantasy and reality.
Boxes and bags are stacked. The road goes up and the guests are arriving on foot. Placed their cloaks on their shoulders and take their place. The feast begins. The laughter sounded, and effortless, "the artistic act" flows between sweet and sour, between the cake and coffee, between fantasy and reality.
Desde la lejanía, quién sabe cuantos ojos las observarán.
From a distance, who knows how the observed eyes.
From a distance, who knows how the observed eyes.
They talk, they decide. Movers and shakers.
Tic,tac,tic,tac, no lo dudes que el tiempo pasará.
Tick, tock, tick, tock, do not doubt that the time will pass.
La decisión
The decision
The decision
Volvimos. Tuvimos que volver.
Por lo menos,volvimos con el alma rebosante.
Returned. Had to go back.
At least, we returned brimming with soul.
A las Caperucitas: Rosalía, Lourdes, Itziar, Isabel y Angeles.
A mis hermanos
Comisario: Ricardo Díaz
A Mareta Espinosa.MAV
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